External Dynamic List Manager
Manage all your firewall's external lists or feeds from a single location
Stop using custom scripts or software that you have to maintain to manage your external firewall lists.
Choose the easier, more reliable way.

Data Source Collection
Our portal connects to your external lists and ingests their data at a recurring check interval.
Support for JSON Filters
Apply filters to JSON data sources and select the data you want

Published your source(s) to a list URL
Combine sources into a published Dynamic List. Each list you create has a custom URL. Configure your firewall to read this URL.
Identify sources with data you want excluded from your list.
Source Templates
Don't know what you want? Want the simple answer?
Clone from our list of source templates. We have templates serving several categories. View our templates here.

Ingest several types of data sources
- IP Address lists
- URL or Domain lists
- Stix/Taxii 2.1
- Manual entries
Filter your JSON data to retrieve specific data points
Dynamic Lists
- Aggregate from 1 or more data sources
- Exclude data found in 1 or more sources
- Support for HTTP Basic Auth on URLs
- Always HTTPS
Source Templates
Clone a Source Template and get working faster
Firewall Manufacturer Agnostic
Our lists output in a format that can be ingested by most major firewall manufacturers.
Pricing Plans
Perfect for individuals or testing
Limits on Lists and Sources
Max EDLs: 2
Max Sources: 4
Limits on check intervals
1, 6, or 12 hours
Single User
Online Docs. Only
Sign UpBusiness
More suitable for production environments
No limits on lists and sources
No limits on check intervals
5, 15, 30 minutes, 1, 6, 12 hours
Customize HTTP Requests
GET, POST, custom headers, payload, authentication
Advanced EDL Filtering
Manage Multiple Users
Tag Based Permissions
API for Manual Sources
Advanced Security Options
Config Audit
User Auth Audit
Online Docs.
Open Ticket
$185 /Year
Buy NowManaged Service Provider
Allow your clients to consume EDLs